If you have been around Christian teachings very long then you'll know that some teachers began teaching years ago that we are already in the Tribulation. I still get emails about one a month at least asking if we are in the Tribulation - so prevalent was/is the error. Most realized it was wrong when more than 7 years passed, but some hang on...
When one considers the whole picture of what will occur to the planet during those years, it becomes obvious we are not yet in the Tribulation.
Solar flares
Last week I explained the double asteroid/comet hit the earth will take during those last days of this age, but there is another celestial event that will happen as well: Solar flares hitting the earth.
Revelation 16:8-10 reveals fire from the sun will scorch the earth and burn people. From a scientific point of view, the earth's electromagnetic field protects us by stopping the solar flares that reach the earth. The 'northern lights' are part of that protection in action. For the flares to get through the atmosphere to cause burns means something has happened to that electromagnetic field - it is no longer there during that time.
It could be a result of the double asteroid/comet hit, it could be from the magnetic poles suddenly 'flipping', in which the compass needle instead of pointing north, would point south, or a combination of both. There are theories suggesting if that flip occurs, there would be a time the earth would not be protected by the magnetosphere.
It is interesting that magnetic north is shifting very rapidly, with several published reports of this phenomenon. When first tracked it only moved about 5 miles (9k) per year, but has sped up to 34 miles (55km) per year, headed towards Siberia away from Canada.
Economic issues in the Tribulation
Revelation chapter 6 details the breaking of the first 6 seals on the scroll which Jesus took out of the right hand of the Father, as detailed in 5:7. Seal 5 is about martyrs before the Father asking how long until He avenges them, and seal 6 is about the return of Jesus. The 7th is peace, when it is all done. Even heaven is silent for a brief time.
The first 4 seals are 'The 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse', symbolized by 4 horses - white, red, black and pale. They reveal someone rising to power with a false righteousness (white horse), followed by war (red), economic collapse (black), and then death (pale).
All these are logic progressions. For if you have a double asteroid hit, a massive dust/water cloud blocking sunlight, solar flares/EMP burning people and systems, starvation for many, then economic and societal collapse is inevitable. It will take a strong leader to take control and unite nations, economies, and armies - and that person is known as anti-Christ.
But before these things...
As I said at the start, there are many voices on the web sharing this or that dream, this or that word, some perhaps from the Lord some perhaps from emotional and religious filters mixed with last night's leftovers. But know that words from God may be for the time of the Tribulation, and not our time. Stay away from wild speculations - do not feed on them. Contemplate, wonder, think about, but establish boundaries for yourself for these things do not form our Christian walk. What is Jesus asking you to do today? That is your focus, not on what may be in the future of the world.
Look at the peace in your spirit. It is there. Lay aside your emotions and guard peace. Let the peace 'hem in' your mind, emotions, and thoughts. Stay in that peace. Discipline yourself to stay away from web sites and speakers that would violate that peace - you may wonder in your mind what is true and how it may happen - but don't let that wondering block the peace in your spirit.
As I said before, even words warning of things to come, when by the Spirit, are enveloped in peace for God's Kingdom is not threatened by the workings of man or nature. God is not in fear and confusion, you'll find Him in peace.
I like what the late noted Presbyterian pastor and author, Eugene H. Peterson said: “My feelings are important for many things. They are essential and valuable. They keep me aware of much that is true and real. But they tell me next to nothing about God or my relation to God. My security comes from who God is, not from how I feel. Discipleship is a decision to live by what I know about God, not by what I feel about Him or my neighbors.”
Next week, What will the Millennial be like? Until then, blessings,
John Fenn
cwowi.org and email me at [email protected]