Many people today reading that the sons of God were the godly line of Seth are reading that for the first time. They had never heard that Moses was led to share how the knowledge of God spread through Seth's godly line, but was corrupted by their marriages to the unbelieving 'daughters of men'.
Yet for centuries classic Judaism understood what Moses wrote, and only a small fraction thought there was a 2nd rebellion. It would be like in our day the tiny numbers of Christians who think the earth is flat compared to those who realize the Bible and nature present a globe.
People will always turn verses around, sometimes in honest ignorance, sometimes not, but what I shared about the 2 families in the earth of the sons of God and the sons of men, which we have to our own day, is the way Genesis 6 has been understood for centuries. The sons of God and the family of men who are still in the kingdom of darkness.
When I asked the Father why the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1:2 was hovering over the water-planet (earth). He said:"As a witness to creation." When I asked 'Why?', He replied:"Because Moses needed an eye-witness account of creation (and the early days) so he could write it down."
The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is a faithful eye-witness to creation and the development of man, and God's involvement in the history of man. It is all about God and man and the story of redemption. Amazing grace.
So settle it that Moses around 1400BC was led to outline how 2 families in the earth developed from the original line of believers - believers and unbelievers - and how the mixing of the godly and ungodly caused offspring who were angry, bullies, warriors, and the knowledge of God was being wiped off the face of the earth.
The Creator had to step in and start over lest He be on the outside looking in on His creation.
I forgot to bring up things like UFOs, are we alone, and so on...
When I was a teen, good friends were followed home by a UFO as they drove along a country road, moving with them no matter how they turned. Finally one of them turned around, said "Get out of here in the name of Jesus!" and it went straight up and vanished in one move.
If you ignore military secret flights and equipment, weather phenomenon, optical illusions, mental and emotional factors of the claimants, and all other possibilities, then the supernatural is left to consider. Anything that is of God will gladly and quickly call Jesus Lord, and if not, it's demonic. So with that, who cares? Just take authority over it in Jesus name, for we must obey Him by commanding it out and away. Just go about your business, don't be intimidated or scared.
The spirit realm (of Satan) is the perversion of the Spirit realm. The Spirit realm (of God) is as Jesus told the blind men, 'According to your faith be it to you'. (Matthew 9:29). But in the spirit realm the perverse is also true; 'according to your faith (in the demonic) be unto you.' If anyone puts belief in Satan's realm it opens a door to his realm of the spirit and he can manifest all sorts of scary things for you or anyone who opens that door.
Don't toy with demonic manifestations. That's what the world does because it is blind and ignorant, but you know better. Walk with the Father and Lord, be at peace, and anything that isn't all about the Lordship of Jesus can be commanded away in the name of Jesus. It IS that simple. I find it horribly sad that some Christians have more faith in the demonic things like UFOs and aliens than using The Name to lay hands on the sick, cast out demons, and walk with Him.
What the Lord recently said
I shared in the newsletter last week how I had just returned from 4 recorded sessions at Shekinah Worship Center which can be viewed on their site::
While there on that Friday night the Lord came and talked to me, first about the service and then He changes subjects, saying:
"There is coming a season of distraction for many, concerning events political and economic, and is even now upon you. It is similar to the way many were distracted from what truly mattered during the last (US Presidential) elections. Because of their distractions friendships were broken, and many separated themselves in strife and arrogant self-righteousness.
"Remember when you asked at that time why I allowed so many in the body to become divided (during Covid and the US election). I told you it was to reveal their hearts, to reveal the immaturity of those who thought themselves wise and expose the false. I told you I allowed this so that they could see their hearts and either be ashamed and repent, or harden themselves and remain immature in me. A similar time is coming which will once again prove what is in their hearts."
"Even now many have their attention divided between their walk in Me and politics, and I'm calling them to repent, to return to Me with their whole heart, to return to balance, for my sheep will not follow the voice of another.”
"A similar time is coming though with different distractions. Tell them that in the months to come this will be upon the nation and world, that they not fall back to that from which they’ve come.”
"For the world; There is coming a time of fear and uncertainty in the coming weeks and months. It will be different than the last time (Covid/elections), as it involves political and economic issues. But for those in me who have learned from the past will remain strong and will not waver."
“You must be about the Father's business. Keep your focus on Me, not on the events of the day. Remain steadfast and walk with Me, Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
What He said reminds me of the time about 20 years ago I had commented to the Father that it had been awhile since He had commented on current events. He said:"Why should I tell you anything? You get your news from FOX (news channel)." Ouch.
I included all that to say this
Setting too much attention on things that don't really matter like Nephilim, UFOs, aliens, global conspiracies, covid, politics and such serve as distractions from our first love.
In the Rock Opera 'Jesus Christ, Superstar', one of the songs is 'What's the Buzz?'. It describes how in the times of the gospels people were all about what Jesus said, or might say, or where He was, and what He was doing.
In Matthew 16:13-17 we are told 'the buzz' was that Jesus might be a reincarnated Jeremiah or other prophets back from the dead. But Jesus asked:"But who do YOU say that I am?" Peter responded:"You are the Christ! The Son of the Living God!"
Jesus responded by saying Peter was blessed because He didn't learn that from man, but the Father had revealed that to him. And upon that Rock of revelation from the Father, Jesus would build His body and the leadership (gates) of hell could not stand against it.
That revelation and all that flows from the Father to us, is where our attention should be. Refocus on your first love and His people, and don't be like a child carried about by every 'wind of doctrine', but grow up in Him.... Step away from sites that tickle the ears, tune to sites that bring revelation and balance and point you directly to the Lord and/or our Father in heaven.
New subject next week. Until then, blessings,
John Fenn and email me at [email protected]