We've established we are THE family of the King, and have direct access to the throne.
Before I go further, I want to remind the reader that the term 'courts of heaven' or 'court of heaven' is never used in the Bible. The term is the invention of man which removes the heart and emotions of a person's prayer in exchange for a mechanical legal process where everything must be done in order, or prayers won't be answered and the devil will have an open door into your life.
However, being the King's children we have been assigned to govern the kingdom as priests and kings. Positionally we are seated in the heavenlies with our Lord and Father. In these capacities the NT says we will 'rule with Him 1,000 years' in the next age. (I Corinthians 6:2-3; II Timothy 2:12; The Revelation 5:10, 20:4, 6; 22:5)
Jesus cleared heaven of Satan's influence
Look at Ephesians 1:19-20, speaking of the Father's actions towards Jesus and us:"And to the exceeding greatness of His (Father's) power directed to us who believe, according to the working of that power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places."
Did you catch that? The same power the Father used to raise Jesus from the dead is THE power now working in your life, my life, every believer's life. That release of power at the resurrection flows undiminished and unaltered to each person when they decide for Christ. It is THAT power that caused your spirit to be recreated. It is THAT resurrection power at work in your life today.
It is all in the same flow, same power, having lost nothing since that Sunday morning long ago.
Verses 21-23 continue:v20...
"At His (Father's) own right hand in the heavenly places, (v21) far above all rule and authority, power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but in that which is to come, (v22) and has put all things under His feet and gave Him to be the head over the church, which is His own body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way."
Notice Jesus is above all and we are in Him. The same power working in Him that raised Him from the dead, is the power working in us every single day of our lives. We are truly one with Him and He one with us. He is the Head, we are the body.
That He has been placed above all power and dominion, rulers and authority, confirms the fact Satan no longer has access to heaven.
Satan cannot enter heaven:New Testament realities
One of the main teachings of 'the courts of heaven' is that Satan has direct access to heaven.
One of the verses used is Luke 10:17-20, where Jesus said; "I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven."
If pulled from the context a person might think Jesus is saying AT THAT MOMENT He saw Satan fall from heaven. But that would contradict the fact Satan was already fallen and in the Garden of Eden to tempt Adam and Eve. It would contradict the fact Satan had tempted Jesus in the wilderness before the start of His ministry.
So the idea AT THAT MOMENT Satan fell, must be rejected.
The context tells the story. The disciples came back absolutely thrilled, giddy like little children, that even demons are subject to them through the use of His name. Jesus calms them down telling them:"I saw Satan falling from heaven...So don't rejoice you have authority over demons, but that your name is written in heaven."
In other words - Calm down guys, don't focus on the peripheral, I was an eyewitness to his fall, so focus on heaven not on the authority I just gave you.
Satan not allowed in heaven? But he is called the accuser of our brethren
Correct. But context is everything. Look at this informational passage in The Revelation 12:9-11:"...Satan, and his angels were cast out (of heaven) with him, and thrown down to the earth...the accuser of our brethren has been cast down (out) who accused them before God day and night."
He was cast out of heaven and down to earth so his accusations against us are here on earth, not in heaven before our Father. His accusations come to us individually, to us directly, accusing us. He can no longer accuse us before God our Father, so he accuses us here, on earth, 1 to 1, bringing condemnation directly to us.
His accusations are no longer before God, Jesus closed the door to that, for it is the Father who has justified us through Jesus Christ, and we are seated as one with Christ in the heavenly places.
Satan is not accusing you before the Father.
He is accusing you directly to your face. To your ears. To your imagination. To your thoughts. Peter wrote in I Peter 5:8:
"Be diligent, for your adversary the devil, walks about like a roaring lion seeking those he could devour."
Peter didn't write that Satan is in heaven walking around, but here on earth walking around.
Spiritualizes one's own sin
A main point of the 'courts of heaven' teaching is that your family's generational sin allows Satan access to heaven to accuse you before God. The 'curse of the generations' teaching allows a person to blame their long dead relative for their current condition.
It spiritualizes sin and conditions in life, shifting blame to dead relatives rather than forcing a person to take responsibility for the decisions they've made. The 'courts of heaven' error teaches in essence we must go before the Father and the devil to make our case this is not fair.
More on 'the curse of the generations' error and what the Bible really says next week...until then, blessings,
John Fenn
http://www.cwowi.org and email me at [email protected]