Merry Christmas! Many of you have received our Christmas card by now, taken this fall of Barb and I at Rangeley Lakes in Maine while visiting our affiliate in the area - hello Maine friends! Don’t we look wind-blown! Merry Christmas to all.
We are growing internationally -
Our affiliates and friends in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kenya, Sri Lanka, India, Australia, and Pakistan in particular are asking for us to come, so please pray for them. For now we just don’t have the money to arrange such trips, so we talk on Skype and Facebook messenger instant messaging, and they are doing well, but need what we can impart in person.
Welcome to new affiliates in US – Albuquerque, NM, Parker, CO, Olathe, KS, Powhatan, VA, Omaha, NE.
Year in review – Barb and I realized after our last trip that we were just too busy traveling from March through October, though we love the people and what the Lord did, those 7 1/2 months took a lot out of us.
Then as if waiting for us to return home, we were hit with many thousands of dollars of unexpected ministry and personal expenses to go along with larger than normal expected ones that have really burdened us. We are thankful for the Lord arranging the timing of waiting until we got home, but I haven’t received a full paycheck since October as a result. I just don’t like to talk about money much, but in this last of 2012 letter I’m just sharing from the heart. Most of those expenses were 1 time and we hope to get caught up in the next few months.
Prayer requests for us – As the network has grown I’m seeking wisdom to handle the growth, where I invest my time, and so on. Pray that the many that lead or attend a house church affiliated with us, as well as those blessed by my teachings, but have never sown back into CWOWI, will start to give to CWOWI.
Paul told the Corinthians who benefited from his ministry but didn’t support him: If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you? I don’t use hype or emotion to manipulate people towards giving, I trust people will commune with Christ in them about giving and become mature enough spiritually to do what Paul said, to set aside something weekly as the Lord has blessed. (I Cor 9: 7-23, 16:2)
A goal for 2013 is to remodel Chris' bedroom and make a bathroom that is handicapped usable - right now I walk him the length of the house to bathe in the bathtub - it would be wonderful to have a usable bathroom right there at his bedroom. Thanks for your prayers.
Future trips - On my heart is a March loop in the middle of the US: IN, OH, MI, WI, MN, IA, NE, KS and home to Oklahoma again. Also a trip to the central east coast/east US later in the year, and a June trip to Seattle/Vancouver – praying at this point and we so appreciate you lifting us up. We are also praying about regional meetings at various locations in the US that are in the works. (Also note our European meetings in April and August)
New 2cd/mp3 series - The Blood Covenant 1 (Blood Covenant 2 will be next month) – Our walk with the Lord is based on the blood covenant, the most ancient of contracts. This series is not about our ‘rights’, but about the security in Christ we benefit from as a result of the blood covenant. We will examine the 4 main parts of a blood covenant, the use in history of blood covenants, look at Jesus' covenant teaching, and how to walk with the Lord and Father in confidence and assurance. When you see God’s commitment to you in the covenant and what is ahead in the ages to come, you’ll be amazed at His grace and empowered to live in victory and peace now!
Blessings to you, and Merry Christmas!
John and Barb