I’m just back from my last trip of the year, and what a year it has been! When I looked at the calendar I was shocked to discover I’ve been gone from home 14 weeks in 2013 – 3 ½ months. Additionally, while home we’ve hosted CWOWI related visitors from around the US and world at least 3 more weeks and several weekends. Plus, we’ve had Chris home for 60 nights throughout the year and the day before and after those nights. No wonder there are unfinished projects at home, lol.
Our attention now turns to building the addition to the end of our house to make a handicap equipped bedroom and bathroom for Chris, and an additional bedroom for overnight guests. Our home is just 1500 square feet and has 3 bedrooms, but one of them is my office, and 1 is Chris’ bedroom. We have some ‘seed’ money, about 20% of the estimated cost of building, we’ve settled on a builder, and a member of our local house church who is an architect has volunteered to do the drawings – so we hope to begin in late winter of next year.
Earlier, some wrote me asking if they could make a donation to CWOWI marked for that, and I’ve asked them to wait until we were closer to starting, but now would be the time to help if interested. In this economy and for things the Father has told us, we won’t go into debt to build it, but will do it as we can.
Spring Europe conferences
We pattern CWOWI after Paul, and as members of his ‘network’ traveled to visit each other and get to know one another as seen in Acts and the end of Paul’s letters, so too have we seen this happening in CWOWI. Besides traveling between house churches in the network, our international conferences are a great way to get to know many people in a compact time frame from many nations.
April 25-27 is our Dutch conference, and the following weekend, May 2-4 is our Finland conference. At the Dutch conference we typically have CWOWI leaders from 6-12 nations represented, so it’s a great way to make international friends. The conference is Friday night through Sunday lunch – and we use Monday-Wednesday to see Holland and visit others in house church or those interested.
Spring time in Holland is amazing and our time in the Lord will be richer still! You could leave and be back in 8 days. For information contact Wil and Ank at [email protected] or me at [email protected]. If you want to make it a full 2 weeks you can join us for the Finnish conference in beautiful Helsinki as well! Contact me for information if interested.
Prophetic word
You are already aware of this time of confusion, uncertainty, and not knowing where to turn the Father told me about this spring, and that I have relayed in this space and in my e-newsletter this summer. Remember He said it would last through April – so stay in peace. Recently He told me the Europe conferences will be at a time of transition and He will speak more to me at that time for the next season.
But a bit over a week ago I was praying about this time we are currently in, asking if He would share anything else for this or the next season, and suddenly the Father said:
“You will see a decision made by one nation lead other nations to make similar decisions, which will have a cascading effect down to the United States and its economy, and will catch many by surprise. It will appear to happen quickly, so don’t be surprised. The times are coming when many who thought they knew what faith was, will discover they know nothing as they should. The times are coming when people who equate financial increase with godliness will discover they know nothing as they should. And the times are coming when people who know Me as they should, will walk as giants in the land, examples to others, strong in character and love and pleasing to Me.”
He also said; “Many of my people in the traditional churches are like sheep without shepherds, even though they attend those churches. The level of unrest in my people is reaching a point that you will soon see an even greater increase in the flow of my people out of those churches as they search for the genuine, the simple, the Word based fellowships their hearts long for.”
There were some more personal things for me that had to do with the growth of house church and what I’d see next year, but the summary I feel peace sharing includes the increase in persecution, how we will see conservatives and by extension Christians blamed for society’s ills, and so forth in the coming years. He also said it would be a time of great blessing to those who have ears to hear and who will walk with Him without distraction.
Stay in peace, stay thankful, and know that I ‘make mention of you in my prayers’ to quote Paul, daily. Thank you for being part of our lives! Pray for us for provision, wisdom, and rest. Thank you!
John & Barb