I woke up this morning thinking how months ago the Father told me to pray for March and spring time, because it was going to be (as it stood then) a time of turmoil, confusion, unrest and such – which I’ve shared a little here and in my Weekly Thoughts.
Also, Barb and I had been talking previously about how the Father told me in 2005 that I wouldn’t recognize the country by 2015 and what that might mean.
Then I woke up this morning (Monday/10th) to news of the pope resigning with a new one selected by the end of March. That leads me to ponder the prophecy of St. Malachy of Ireland, who prophesied about 1139 AD the 112th pope would be the last one, and then the end will come.
The new pope in March will be the 112th
The prophecy said this, calling him Peter the Roman… “…who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people.”
Add in the US expected sequestering to take place, (automatic budget cuts), the continued devaluing of the dollar by QE (Quantitative Easing, the policy of printing money monthly to make up for budget deficits), and international news in Turkey, Iran, Israel and Syria, and I continue to watch and pray for these things are just the tip of the ice berg.
As I was communing with the Father about all this unrest, and knowing I needed to write this newsletter this morning, I was asking if He had a word He wanted me to share with my partners. Suddenly the Lord (not the Father) said this:
“You must be like me, focused and undistracted by these things, as when I set my face to go to Jerusalem, like flint, to fulfill my days. Remember also what Paul said, how 'None of these things move me’. That is what you must say to them.This is the way you must be.”
Of course the ‘like flint’ quote I knew from Isaiah 50:7 in a prophecy about the Lord: “For the Lord God will help me and I will not be confounded (confused); therefore I have set my face like a flint and I know I will not be disappointed.” The reference to Him ‘setting His face to Jerusalem’ was the start of the end of His pre-cross ministry, found in Luke 9:53, and Paul said ‘none of these things move me’ in Acts 20: 24 as the Holy Spirit witnessed that arrest and trouble awaited him in Jerusalem – that led to his eventual martyrdom.
Because the Lord quoted these passages to me this morning, which all have to do with starting down a road leading to the culmination of things, I take it these developments this spring are another piece of the end time puzzle. What interesting times we live in! Yet for me and CWOWI, He only tells me of expansion and increase in teaching and house churches.
Small home based churches, networked together, getting to know one another, we are resources for each other, who have each other’s backs, just as in Acts and the NT. What peace there is knowing we are all connected to one another in the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for being part of our lives, and praying for and supporting us financially! We couldn’t do it without you! Much love, John and Barb