During a visitation the Lord made a statement that has stayed with me all these years, and He has brought it to my attention as it relates to events in the future, that we might have understanding.
The exchange was actually about tongues, and while that was itself life-changing for my understanding, it was the message within the message that I'm sharing today. I had been thinking on Romans 8:26-27 where it says "Likewise, the Spirit joins with our weakness, for we don't know how to pray as we should...but He makes intercession with groanings inexpressible..." The passage is about praying in tongues, which means praying in a language God gives that we never learned. Here is the exchange:
Me:"Why tongues? It's so controversial to some, and so different and weird sounding to others. Why tongues?" He paused briefly as if to collect His thoughts, then said:"If you can receive this, for the most part, the Father and I work by invitation in the earth, though we retain our right as Creator."
We can understood that
You may be the only Christian in your family. You were placed in that family to be their intercessor, inviting the Father to become involved in their lives so He can bring them to the point of decision. Without you, they would have no one praying for them. It is a full circle:He wants them to be saved, He placed you in the family so you can pray for their salvation, allowing Him to become involved.
He continued:"The earth has been delegated to man but man doesn't know how to pray as he should. So the Father had to find a way to bypass man's ignorance so man could pray for His will to be done. He does this by providing a language a person has never learned so He can fill it with His will, His thoughts, His emotions. Then they pray it back to Him, giving Him legal access into the earth and closing the loop, making it a legal transaction. This I say to you, truly, no one will be able blame us on that day, for all will be revealed. We are just and right in all things." I learned so much in that exchange, and this is the shortened version, but you get the idea.
What caught my attention after this teaching was:'...we retain our right as Creator.'
When I thought on 'we retain our right as Creator', it was like an explosion of images and memories of Bible passages involving nature running across my mind like a video in fast forward. Thoughts of Noah's flood, the Exodus and use of nature to make His point as He judged the gods of Egypt. Water from rock, quail flying low, manna. The earth opening to swallow Korah in the rebellion. The earthquake at Jericho, the sun standing still for Joshua, the use of a fish to swallow Jonah, the sun dial turned back for Hezekiah. The Star of Bethlehem, Jesus walking on the lake and commanding wind and waves, the multiplying of food and turning water into wine.
Then in The Revelation with its double asteroid/comet hit on the earth, the earthquake in Jerusalem, the splitting of the Mount of Olives, the water from the throne turning the Dead Sea into a fresh water lake in the next age, and so on.
Those are all things the Creator uses as Creator to exercise His authority in the earth over man while not interfering with man's free will.
Satan's lie is getting people to turn from the fact they were created, to believe they are the result of an accidental cosmic chemical spill. Paul writes in Romans 1:18-30 that the most basic way to know God is as Creator. A humility is required to acknowledge we are Someone else's creation. Rejecting God as Creator is to worship self.
"For the wrath of God from heaven is revealed against wickedness...against those who suppress the truth by their wickedness." The word 'suppress' was used to describe someone holding onto a rope from a ship, holding it close against the dock. It is 'kataecho', from kata and echo, 'to hold down'.
God's wrath is directed at those who know He is Creator, but refuse to acknowledge Him as they hold down that truth within themselves, refusing to acknowledge Him. They choose rather to live wickedly. v19:"Because that which may be known of Him, has been revealed to them."
v 21:"Because when they knew God, they chose not to glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful. They became aimless in their thoughts, and their hearts became darkened."
The word 'thoughts' is 'dialogismos', where we get 'dialogue', a back and forth conversation and discussion. This is a discussion within oneself, describing a person who has rejected God to dialogue within themselves and others about ungodly thoughts and ideas.
It is why Paul went on to write in v23-24 they became idolaters and guilty of all sorts of sexual sins - all from rejecting God as Creator, choosing to elevate Self above knowing Him, which darkened their soul, and giving themselves over to ungodly thoughts and actions.
Verse 28 says:"Because they did not want to retain God in their knowledge (He gave them what they wanted), He gave them over to a depraved mind and they do the things that result."
A person who rejects God as Creator reveals what a small person they are. A small thinker and not intellectually honest. They worship self, for they cannot believe in anything beyond what they can think and know. They cannot conceive that they don't know about space and time and eternity and God, so they reject thoughts about Him.
If it is beyond their immediate understanding, it is rejected. An atheist or one who rejects God as their Creator, can think of nothing higher than self. They alone determine if something exists. They alone determine if it does not exist. They alone determine if something is right or wrong. Their opinion is closed to possibilities beyond themselves. What a sad state of existence.
Next week is about creation groaning under the strain of sin, and another visitation about natural events in our day. Until then, blessings,
John Fenn
cwowi.org and email me at [email protected] or [email protected]