I have received many emails asking if Satan goes to God to get permission to bring trials and tribulations into our lives. People ask about Job 1 where Satan and God had a discussion about the man Job. They also question Jesus's statement of Luke 22:31-32 that Satan desired to sift Peter like wheat.
Does Satan get permission from God to trouble us? (having direct access to do so?)
This series is about that conversation between the devil and God, if it exists in our day, so we may understand the strategies of the devil.
Rule of Bible interpretation: We interpret the Old Testament through the eyes of the New
Two main verses interest us in this discussion: James 1:13 and I Corinthians 10:13 in order.
"Let no man say when he is tempted, tested or tried that God is doing it to him. For God is not tempted by evil and neither does he tempt, test or try any man (with evil)." (The same Greek word is translated tempt, try, test.)
"There is no temptation, test, or trial that happens to you but what is common to everyone. But God (Father) is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted, tested, or tried beyond what you are able to handle. But will when the temptation, test, or trial comes, make a way of escape so you will be able to bear it."
These two passages are anchors to our understanding.
First about James 1:13. It is a character trait of God for all eternity. God is not tested/tempted/tried by evil.
God tests, but not with evil, for He is not tempted with evil. Why is this? Because He doesn't have a physical body. Temptation requires a physical earth-body to be tempted. Jesus became human and was tempted, but the Father has never experienced what it is to be tired, hungry, to have to use the bathroom, sexual temptations, food temptations, situations requiring Him to choose between right and wrong - He is love, joy peace, and such - He has never been tempted.
So we look at the OT like Job 1 telling us of a conversation between Satan and God, understanding that whatever Satan says to try to stir God up against Job, has absolutely zero effect. He wasn't tempted in the least to bring evil to Job.
Now I Corinthians 10:13. It states God's role is that of protector and limiter to Satan's plans. This states the God who is never tempted with evil, will when a test, trial or temptation enters our lives, He limits what Satan can do AND will make a way of escape for us! (It is the same word 'temptation' here that is used in James 1:13, so we know the authors are talking about the same things)
Summary: God does not test us with evil, and He will step in to limit any test, trial, or temptation to that which we can handle, AND make a way of escape for us.
When Barb and her best friend, Margaret, were 5 years old (summer 1963), their mothers would give them money and they would walk through their neighborhood to a store. It was a bit more than half a mile (1km). (Margaret is still a good friend)
Just on the other side of an intersection with stoplight was the store. In 1963 it had a soda fountain, booths for eating ice cream and sandwiches, and was run by 1 man, the owner. They would buy a sandwich, bag of chips, soft drink and money left over for a piece of candy. Today many would think that was foolish of their mother's to allow such regular walks for their daughters.
When Barb and I were married with young boys of our own, she was horrified to remember her mother had given her such freedom at 5 years old! She asked her how she could do that!
Her mom replied that first, it was training because they were going to have to walk to school for the first time in their lives starting that fall. Second, she told her she was never alone, for her mom had friends all along their route, each calling her as the girls passed by.
Suddenly Barb remembered the man running the store would most often be on the phone when they got to the stop light on the opposite side of the intersection. He would hang up and step outside the store to greet the girls and help them cross the busy street. The whole time she realized, her mother was watching, and had people assigned to guide them along their path, but unknown to the children.
This is similar to our training. The Father doesn't leave us, but has angels in His realm and people in our realm He uses to bring us along the way. He doesn't test us with evil. He does test us with decisions before us. Jesus asked The Rich Young Ruler to follow Him - decision. A man wanted to follow Jesus but first wanted to say goodbye to his family - decision. Martha got in strife with her sister Mary because she served while Mary sat - decision. That's how we grow.
But He never tests us with evil, but only guides us along the way, ready to step in to put limits or stop whatever the evil one has in mind, AND makes a way of escape.
Now about that conversation between Satan and God in Job 1 - for next week!
Until then, blessings,
John Fenn
cwowi.org and email me at [email protected]