The purpose of this series so we can understand the Father's role in and use of creation when dealing with mankind, and wisdom for the climate efforts going on around us.
As mentioned last week, Adam's treason let sin into the earth, and death by sin*, the earth has been laboring under that burden since. *Romans 5:12
When God delegated the earth to mankind, there appears to be some sort of time limit involved. The Talmud* says there are 6 sets of 1,000 years each (each with a main theme) with the 7th set of 1,000 years being a Sabbath for the earth. *(Jewish oral and written traditional laws and commentary)
When Satan's lie of evolution took hold
It caused many to forget they were created, and that everything is created with a purpose and plan. Otherwise, there is no reason to create. Believing they are a product of random happenstance, it means right and wrong is what they make it. It means they have no real purpose in life. If we were a chemical accident, each person must determine 'their truth'.
But we realize we are created and alive forever. Being created, it means morals, ethics, right and wrong flow directly from the Creator who is good and just. He defines morals. He defines ethics. He defines right and wrong. He created with purpose. With a plan. To have morals given by Creator means there is a plan for those morals steer man along a righteous path. If morals are man-made, a person's path in life is solely determined by them, with no higher purpose beyond themselves. That thinking divides mankind into tribes, races, and other groups that fight with each other for dominance.
When Adam committed treason* and opened the earth to the oppression of sin, the earth was so full of life it took years for the effects on nature to be fully known. Noah's flood was a huge change, setting in motion the weather systems we have today. Psalm 82:5 says:"The foundations of the earth are out of course."
Again from Romans 8:19-22:
"For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
With the foundations out of course, with all that groaning and travailing as in birth, it means the earth is subject to earthquakes.
But Paul reveals creation groans like a woman in birth to be set free from the curse. We are created, therefore we also groan to be set free from sin:
Romans 8:23 "And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us."
It was within that context Paul went on to write about tongues and the groaning of intercession in which we participate. When Paul used the word groan to describe nature's reaction to sin, and the same word to describe us praying in the Spirit, it is clear that tongues is the deep intercession to see the Father's will be done on earth, foremost, that people will be set free from the sin that binds them.
In 1991 I had a visitation with the Lord
He spoke about these things. It was the visitation where He talked about China in the future, which I've shared several times before:
"....people are looking at the wall coming down (and USSR falling apart), while they should be looking at China. For China will grow into an economic powerhouse, and seek to swallow up the whole world if she were allowed. And this she must do to fulfill her role in the end times."
That was 1991
Staying within the context of the days future when China would become an economic powerhouse, He switched to future things about nature:
"The earth and nature will become front and center in world politics. But I can tell you that up until now, for the most part, what has happened in nature has been the normal course of events due to the sin allowed into the earth. But from this point on however, some of what will be seen in earthquakes, volcanos, and storms, will be from the increasing strain of sin on the earth, having direct spiritual ties to sin in regions, as creation groans under the burden of sin. I spoke of these things when I said the love of many will turn cold due to the increase of iniquity on the earth." (Mt 24:12)
The Lord never interferes with man's free will. Based on what we know of angels and humans, spirit beings are eternal because they are spirit, they have free will and have the ability to talk. (Not learned talk like a gorilla, or mimicking speech, but spontaneous speech)
When mankind who has been given the earth to steward by his Creator, rejects that Creator, it puts the Creator in a precarious position. Man is loose on the earth, without any sense of accountability, so sin increases. Unsaved man reacts predictably. On the one hand blatant disregard for nature, and on the other hand a belief 'mother nature' and 'the universe' is the source of all life, which becomes a religion.
So when nature's increased groanings increase as it yearns for the manifestation of the sons of God, which will set it free from the curse, those who rejected their Creator, think man can fix the earth through their own efforts.
But the Creator will exert proof He is Creator in the last of the last days. We will start next week with more detail about what Jesus said in Matthew 24, and look at nature's upheaval in The Revelation. Until then, blessings,
John Fenn
Email me at [email protected] or [email protected]