Dear friends,
First off I would like to share about finances and how the Lord can have a different point of view then we do. After that I'll share about our trip to Lithuania, our family, the conference in May and Ank's books!
Finances and the Lord’s perspective
Marc 12:41-44: "Sitting across from the offering box, he was observing how the crowd tossed money in for the collection."
He was not watching to see how much people gave, but how they gave their offering and what their motive behind it was.
The next verse: "Many of the rich were making large contributions. One poor widow came up and put in two small coins - a measly 2 cents. Jesus called His disciples over and said: “The truth is that this poor widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together. All the others gave what they'll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn't afford - she gave her all.”
Jesus did not stop the widow from giving an offering! He knew she was poor and He knew that she was giving her all...think about that…What do we think sometimes? ‘I only have a little, it's too small for the Lord to do something with...and besides, it's all I have; how am I going to pay the bills?’ Sound familiar?
That reminds me of the boy who had the 5 loaves and two fish, in John 6:5-13.
Verse 9 says: "There's a little boy who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many? (500 men, not counting the women and children). Andrew was looking at the situation with his natural eyes.....
In First Kings 17 we can read the story of Elijah and the widow in Zarephath.
Elijah asks the widow for some bread. She responds in verse 12 that she has no bread left. ‘Only a handful of flour and oil.’ Elijah said to her:" Do not fear. Go ahead and do what you said. But first make a small biscuit for me and bring it back here....the flour will not run out and the bottle of oil will not become empty...” and she went right off and did it, did just as Elijah asked and it turned out as he said - daily food for her and her family.
The widow saw the little that she had, but the Lord saw the possibilities of what He could do with the little! Out of what she gave, came provision for her, Elijah and her family in a time of a drought and shortage of food!
Why does He asks of us to give the little that we have left? What we really need in the natural? Because of this principles: "Give and you shall receive...." He is still the same and will provide in times of droughts and shortages. It's up to us to not fear when He asks us to give, that which we don't think we can miss. It's up to us to trust Him to take care of us!
Proverbs 11:24, 25: "There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty.” I am challenging you to look with different eyes at the little you have and to learn to trust Him.
Trip to Lithuania
In January Wil, Hilda and me went to Lithuania. After our previous trip we got the desire to go back and to do some teachings, translated into Lithuanian and to make those available on MP3's and video. Eventually it ended up to be a 3-day conference! The days were wonderful! There was a great mix of the Word and the Spirit. Teaching was followed with praise and worship, people received revelation and were set free! All the glory goes to the Lord! Tadas and others did a great work putting it all together and proving food for everyone. Thanks!
Family news
Our daughter Elsbeth is coming to the Netherlands in May with her husband and kids. They will also be at the conference, so you will finally have a chance to meet them! JThey will stay here for two weeks. The weekend after the conference we will spend time as a family, with all the kids and grandkids. That will be in Baflo, Groningen, where our son Ruben lives with his family, 2 hours from our home.
The conference
Only a month left and it's that time again! We are so looking forward to seeing everyone! We are excited about what the Lord will do this year. We are expecting people from Norway, Finland, Scotland, England, Germany, Turkey, the USA and probably Africa and of course the people from the Netherlands!
The dates are May 8th-10th.
For more info go to:
There are some people who would like to come, but don't have the finances. If you are willing to help pay someone's way, please help. When you send your donation, please make sure to comment what you are giving it for. Thank you!
Ank's books
Officially I can say now that I'm an author...that sounds weird! Sharon took the teachings that were recorded for the online bible school and put them into book form. Those are now published as an e-book and as a regular book. She did a great job! The titles are: ‘Righteous, Live It Inside Out’ and 'Authority, Know Who You Are'.
For now the books are only available in English, but we are working on a Dutch translation. There will be some English copies available at the conference.
These books are good for your own study time or to use with new born again believers; it's a 'basic' for every Christian.
Thank you everyone who supports us with prayer and/ or finances! We could not do what we do without You!
Till we meet again,
Wil and Ank
First off I would like to share about finances and how the Lord can have a different point of view then we do. After that I'll share about our trip to Lithuania, our family, the conference in May and Ank's books!
Finances and the Lord’s perspective
Marc 12:41-44: "Sitting across from the offering box, he was observing how the crowd tossed money in for the collection."
He was not watching to see how much people gave, but how they gave their offering and what their motive behind it was.
The next verse: "Many of the rich were making large contributions. One poor widow came up and put in two small coins - a measly 2 cents. Jesus called His disciples over and said: “The truth is that this poor widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together. All the others gave what they'll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn't afford - she gave her all.”
Jesus did not stop the widow from giving an offering! He knew she was poor and He knew that she was giving her all...think about that…What do we think sometimes? ‘I only have a little, it's too small for the Lord to do something with...and besides, it's all I have; how am I going to pay the bills?’ Sound familiar?
That reminds me of the boy who had the 5 loaves and two fish, in John 6:5-13.
Verse 9 says: "There's a little boy who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many? (500 men, not counting the women and children). Andrew was looking at the situation with his natural eyes.....
In First Kings 17 we can read the story of Elijah and the widow in Zarephath.
Elijah asks the widow for some bread. She responds in verse 12 that she has no bread left. ‘Only a handful of flour and oil.’ Elijah said to her:" Do not fear. Go ahead and do what you said. But first make a small biscuit for me and bring it back here....the flour will not run out and the bottle of oil will not become empty...” and she went right off and did it, did just as Elijah asked and it turned out as he said - daily food for her and her family.
The widow saw the little that she had, but the Lord saw the possibilities of what He could do with the little! Out of what she gave, came provision for her, Elijah and her family in a time of a drought and shortage of food!
Why does He asks of us to give the little that we have left? What we really need in the natural? Because of this principles: "Give and you shall receive...." He is still the same and will provide in times of droughts and shortages. It's up to us to not fear when He asks us to give, that which we don't think we can miss. It's up to us to trust Him to take care of us!
Proverbs 11:24, 25: "There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty.” I am challenging you to look with different eyes at the little you have and to learn to trust Him.
Trip to Lithuania
In January Wil, Hilda and me went to Lithuania. After our previous trip we got the desire to go back and to do some teachings, translated into Lithuanian and to make those available on MP3's and video. Eventually it ended up to be a 3-day conference! The days were wonderful! There was a great mix of the Word and the Spirit. Teaching was followed with praise and worship, people received revelation and were set free! All the glory goes to the Lord! Tadas and others did a great work putting it all together and proving food for everyone. Thanks!
Family news
Our daughter Elsbeth is coming to the Netherlands in May with her husband and kids. They will also be at the conference, so you will finally have a chance to meet them! JThey will stay here for two weeks. The weekend after the conference we will spend time as a family, with all the kids and grandkids. That will be in Baflo, Groningen, where our son Ruben lives with his family, 2 hours from our home.
The conference
Only a month left and it's that time again! We are so looking forward to seeing everyone! We are excited about what the Lord will do this year. We are expecting people from Norway, Finland, Scotland, England, Germany, Turkey, the USA and probably Africa and of course the people from the Netherlands!
The dates are May 8th-10th.
For more info go to:
There are some people who would like to come, but don't have the finances. If you are willing to help pay someone's way, please help. When you send your donation, please make sure to comment what you are giving it for. Thank you!
Ank's books
Officially I can say now that I'm an author...that sounds weird! Sharon took the teachings that were recorded for the online bible school and put them into book form. Those are now published as an e-book and as a regular book. She did a great job! The titles are: ‘Righteous, Live It Inside Out’ and 'Authority, Know Who You Are'.
For now the books are only available in English, but we are working on a Dutch translation. There will be some English copies available at the conference.
These books are good for your own study time or to use with new born again believers; it's a 'basic' for every Christian.
Thank you everyone who supports us with prayer and/ or finances! We could not do what we do without You!
Till we meet again,
Wil and Ank