I am writing this September 2, as Barb and I are traveling the 4th-18th, and you are reading this around the middle of the month. As of this writing things are heating up in several areas; Syria, world and US economy, US budget, Obamacare, and so on. When planning this trip we had heaviness in our spirits for the time frame of around and just after the middle of September through mid-October, with a larger season of difficulties through the spring.
You’ll recall this spring one of the things the Father spoke to me concerning this fall, was an uncertainty in our nation, people not knowing what to do or where to turn – it would appear this is coming to pass from the President on down ranging from Syria to the budget to Obamacare to how so many families now reduced to part time work will make ends meet, and much more.
Yet I want to remind you that Jesus never came into someone’s situation and said ‘Be afraid’. He always said, ‘Fear not’. Nothing in our lives or in the world has caught Him by surprise, and provision has been made for us His body, and children of our heavenly Father.
Our oldest son Chris is 33 years old yet about 4 years old mentally, due to lack of oxygen from the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck in a slip knot in labor and delivery. He lived at home his first 24 years, and during that time Barb and I rarely got out just the two of us. One of us always had to be at home to care of Chris.
When Chris moved to the group home almost 10 years ago, Barb and I felt very strange going out together on a whim, just ourselves. 24 years had come and gone and we felt like naughty teenagers meeting on the sly. We thought, ‘Can you believe that couples without a handicapped person in the home can make their own schedules and meet for lunch or dinner anytime they want?’ It was so new to us!
I was thinking about that as it relates to our life before Christ versus now in Christ. We have a treasure in these earthen vessels. Think about it – Christ lives in you – the God of the universe, Creator of all, lives in your spirit. There are times I think this is just too good, I’m too happy, I have too much joy inside. Don’t get me wrong, there are pressures all around, needs and burdens I carry daily that never leave my mind and thoughts – but in my spirit, there is such joy, such peace, such excitement! Before I met the Lord it was like being held captive, but with Him, suddenly free like those first days of freedom Barb and I experienced after Chris moved to the group home. Christ in us is something special!
Earning a living by ministry is always interesting, and we have to live with focus to be about the Father’s business while He makes sure our needs are met. He uses people like you in our lives, for which we are very thankful. Sometimes a regular monthly supporter will let us know their finances have changed and they are reducing or suspending support for the time being, which is SO considerate and appreciated, others just stop giving with no explanation which is like suddenly getting that much reduction in pay without notice come payday, while others start supporting us for the first time ever. Our job is to be about the Father’s business and let Him figure the rest out, and He always provides.
My biggest desire is to have the time to talk on the phone/Skype/IM/text affiliate leaders and financial and prayer supporters on a regularly scheduled basis. That would be so wonderful to be able to tell each person how much their gifts and prayers mean to us.
Unfortunately time and travels and such extremely limit my time. Yet that doesn’t change the warm affection and appreciation we have for those who support us, and I hope my writings and teachings and the whole home and relationship based ministry we’re all about, or any other benefit you gain by having me in your life, are truly appreciated as a token of my love for you and the body of Christ.
Thank you!
John and Barb